Monday, November 24, 2014

Observations #4

In this image a Bursaria can be seen. This organism was identified using Fresh-water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca on pg. 143 fig. 316.

This picture shows a Litonotus which can be identified in Fresh-water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca on pg. 132 fig. 285.

Pennak, Robert W. 1989. Fresh-water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Molusca. New York (NY): Wiley.

Observation #3

In this image Vorticella can be identified by Fresh-water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Molusca by Robert W. Pennak on pg. 38 fig. 4D.

This image shows a Copepod which can be identified by the Fresh-water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Molusca on pg. 411 fig. 1B.

Pennak, Robert W. 1989. Fresh-water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Molusca. New York (NY): Wiley.

Organism Observations #2

I found this Limnias sp. in my micro-aquarium with the help of Dr. McFarland. This organism can be identified through the Fresh-water Invertebrates of the U.S. by Robert W. Pennak on pg. 218 fig. 42- H and J.


This Cladophora was showed to me by Dr. McFarland while I was searching for organisms near the plants that were placed in the aquarium. This can also be identified in the Handbook of Algae by Herman Silva Forest in fig. 207. 

Forest, Herman Silva. 1954. Handbook of Algae. Fig 207.

Pennak, Robert W. 1989. Fresh-water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Molusca. New York (NY): Wiley.

Monday, October 20, 2014


Ijams Nature Center. "Meads Quarry." Maple Grove Inn. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 
     2014. < 

Micro Aquarium Set-up Description and Observations

There was multiple steps in setting up my micro aquariums. First, we received our glass cases along with the base and cap. I placed 3 different colored stickers on the aquarium representing the water source, my table number and my seat.  Second, we chose the water source which we wanted to observe. We filled the bottom of our aquariums with the sediment from the water source then filled it to the top with the water from the same source. We then proceeded to place two different kinds of underwater grass in the aquariums.

5. Meads Quarry, Island Home Ave, Knox Co. Tennessee Partial Shade exposure Rock Quarry N35 57.162 W83 51.960 880 10/9/2011

After preparing my aquarium I was able to look at it through the microscope. While observing I saw different types of organisms. Different kinds of organisms could be seen swimming around the aquarium moving from solid particles. One kind of organism could be seen moving throughout the sediment at the bottom of the aquarium.

Information for plants in the aquarium:

Amblestegium varium (Hedwig) Lindberg. Moss.
Collection from: Natural spring. at Carters Mill Park, Carter Mill Road, Knox Co. TN. Partial shade exposure. N36 01.168 W83 42.832. 10/12/2014

Utricularia gibba L. Flowering plant. A
carnivorous plant. Original material from south shore of Spain Lake (N 35o55 12.35" W088o20' 47.00), Camp Bella Air Rd. East of Sparta Tn. in White Co. and grown in water tanks outside of greenhouse at Hesler
Biology Building. The University of Tennessee. Knox Co. Knoxville TN.